
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WIP Wednesday

Cherry House Quilt Along (CHQA)

I have finally had a chance to start on Cherry House's Quilt Along. Ignore the fact that I haven't finished unpacking and that there are boxes of stuff lying about all around. We have to have priorities, people!

I have a grey/yellow quilt in the germinating stage in my notebook. But, I thought I would use some of the same colors in the quilt along, to see how they work together (or not).

CHQ-QA detail

Yellows: Kona Maize, Ivory, Sunflower, and Banana. I auditioned Corn Yellow and Mustard, too but they weren't quite right.  And all of these, from my stash (huzzah!). (Notice how I didn't iron before I cut - typical me...)

CHQ-QA detail

I went with a modified strip piecing. I cut these into 1.5" segments and stripped those into the rows the pattern calls for. Not sure I saved any time, but it made sense in my head at the time :)

CHQ-QA detail

The finished quilt is smallish 34x36, a nice wallhanging size. I did some calculations and crappy drawings to see if I wanted to modify it into more of a lap size quilt. I haven't fully committed yet. I might like a small quilt with Cherri's signature spin on it to hang in my quilting space (whenever I get a quilting space - I'm sewing in my bedroom currently).

CHQA prep

My husband is an engineer and he just looks at my random quilt calculations and my drawings and shakes his head. Most of the time once I've jotted things down, I have NO idea what the mean when I come back to them. It's like when you watch a football game and they use that pen on the TV screen to circle players and draw arrows going every which way. I never know what they're talking about either...

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