
Monday, March 14, 2011

March TwitterB


As with any new endeavor - motivation is greatest at the beginning. I received Jenni's fat quarter for the TwitterB last week (I think...) and I already have my blocks done! I ended up making two because I threw in a purpley fabric ("Morning Sarah, that's a very nice purple dress, it's very purpley."~Buddy Elf) and she did mention that she was more into the turquiose/aqua/chartreuse colors. That and I couldn't decide whether her focus fabric should be a ring or the center.

Reminder - here's the focus fabric from Patricia Bravo's Bazaar Style line:

March TwitterB

I felt like I followed Elizabeth's directions and I used both 1.5" and 1.75" strips, but my blocks did not come out 12.5"... I ended up trimming a little and adding a fifth ring to one and then leaving the other at 12.25".  Jenni said she didn't mind.

Here's the one with the purple (it's called Plumberry):

March TwitterB Block 2

In the block below, the wider solid is Kona Lagoon and the thinner solid ring is Kona Peacock. The Lagoon is a little deeper than this photo shows. It's pretty close, though not exactly, a match for the focus background.

March TwitterB Block 1

It has a little mistake, which I didn't notice until I was packing them up. )Is it wrong to point out the mistakes you made on a bee block? Not sure of bee etiquette...) The second log/hedgerow (Peacock) from the top should go across the width of the block. But it doesn't. I figured Jenni can decide if she wants to make it a humility block or bury it on the back or something. 

Now, just to get them in the mail - that's the real test!


Jessica said...

i love both of these! i especially love how the second one looks with the outer ring being the focus fabric. it frames it so beautifully!

jenni said...

Why would I bury a single block?!?! I love love love these. I'm so excited to put this quilt together...and to make my block, too.